When they turned Doom into a movie, they forgot what made it iconic

Rip & Tear with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Originally published May 6, 2019 at Doublejump.co Welcome to Press X To Adapt! Every two weeks, we dive into a game-turned-movie or movie-turned-game to take a look at how it turned out, the differences between the two, and anything else worth chatting about. If you have a … Continue reading When they turned Doom into a movie, they forgot what made it iconic

How Mortal Kombat: Annihilation captured the series’ embarrassing early years

Mortal Kombat 11

"Destroy All Expectations!" Originally published April 8, 2019 at Doublejump.co Welcome to Doublejump’s new regular series, Press X To Adapt! Every two weeks, we’ll dive into a game-turned-movie or movie-turned-game to take a look at how it turned out, the differences between the two, and anything else worth chatting about! Have you got a suggestion … Continue reading How Mortal Kombat: Annihilation captured the series’ embarrassing early years

How An Awful Movie Helped Revive Mortal Kombat

The movie was a stupid mess – but Mortal Kombat 11 might not exist without it. Originally published March 19, 2019 at Doublejump.co Welcome to Doublejump’s new regular series, Press X To Adapt! Every two weeks, we’ll dive into a game-turned-movie or movie-turned-game to take a look at how it turned out, the differences between the … Continue reading How An Awful Movie Helped Revive Mortal Kombat

Review | ‘The Deadly Tower of Monsters’ is A True B-Videogame

The Deadly Tower of Monsters (ACE Team)

I’m not sure there’s a more appropriate theme for a small-team-developed videogame than the B-movie, the iconic film genre that leverages market demand with quick and cheap productions. A genre fostered over decades, B-movies can be (but not always) especially fun films: typically light-hearted or tongue-in-cheek (or not), filled with endearing (or not) moments of … Continue reading Review | ‘The Deadly Tower of Monsters’ is A True B-Videogame

So I Watched | King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

I have a morbid curiosity in failed blockbusters. They’re easy – very easy – to dissect, a guilty pleasure like the movies themselves. Like B-movies, with such low expectations, they’re easy to appreciate and those little things – even tiny, inconsequential things – that are memorable and endearing. (“Better than I expected” is almost my … Continue reading So I Watched | King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

So I Watched: Warcraft (2016)

Warcraft (2016)

Remember the major motion hit Warcraft? From last year? The one with the orcs and, uh, other stuff? No? Warcraft is an amazingly forgettable film. It exemplifies generic Hollywood fantasy. It has its moments, like most films, but otherwise the entire experience of watching it will just fade away, out of your mind and out … Continue reading So I Watched: Warcraft (2016)

REVIEW: Highlander: The American Dream

Published by: IDW Publishing Writer: Brian Ruckley Artist: Andrea Mutti The release of IDW’s Highlander: The American Dream, a five-issue limited comic series that finished in mid-June, was a weird thing for me. Not in the existential way, just a total coincidence: I’d been planning a comic series for essentially my own version of Highlander … Continue reading REVIEW: Highlander: The American Dream