Journey to One Piece: Chapter 1 to 100

One Piece (manga)

After hearing that the manga series is actually Very Good for a few years now, I’m finally diving into One Piece and I’m writing a sorta-diary series on it. A note beforehand: I’m pretty familiar with the opening arcs of One Piece since I watched the anime series as a kid – especially the arcs … Continue reading Journey to One Piece: Chapter 1 to 100

Doublejump Reviews Gato Roboto

Catroid Prime Originally published June 1, 2019 at At first glance, doinksoft’s Gato Roboto is just a tongue-in-cheek throwback to Metroid II: Return of Samus, the black-and-white Game Boy title. Instead of our badass heroine, Gato Roboto has you controlling a mech-striding cat, but there’s more to it than just a very-adorable parody. In Gato Roboto, you play as a … Continue reading Doublejump Reviews Gato Roboto

Rewind: Mafia III was a flawed historical tragedy

New Bordeaux’s Catch-22 Originally published May 22, 2019 at After 40 hours with the game, Hangar 13’s Mafia III feels like a paradox. A contradiction. On one side is its story, which is fantastic – easily the best part of the game – but on the other side is the campaign itself, a core component of … Continue reading Rewind: Mafia III was a flawed historical tragedy

Doublejump Reviews Life is Strange 2 – Episode 3: Wastelands

Losing control Originally published May 18, 2019 at Life is Strange 2’s third episode feels like fighting a tidal wave. Your attempts to “deal” with Daniel start to fail and you realise that your telekinetic little brother is his own person, an individual separate from yourself as the player. After raising him for two … Continue reading Doublejump Reviews Life is Strange 2 – Episode 3: Wastelands

Rewind: Stardew Valley is a magical mental oasis

Stardew valley

Overwhelming at first, the farming sim is a relaxing pet project  Originally published May 8, 2019 at When I bought Stardew Valley for my Switch early last year, I knew almost nothing about it. All I knew was that it had farming and romance stuff, and that it was meant to be very good. I also … Continue reading Rewind: Stardew Valley is a magical mental oasis

When they turned Doom into a movie, they forgot what made it iconic

Rip & Tear with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Originally published May 6, 2019 at Welcome to Press X To Adapt! Every two weeks, we dive into a game-turned-movie or movie-turned-game to take a look at how it turned out, the differences between the two, and anything else worth chatting about. If you have a … Continue reading When they turned Doom into a movie, they forgot what made it iconic

How Mortal Kombat: Annihilation captured the series’ embarrassing early years

Mortal Kombat 11

"Destroy All Expectations!" Originally published April 8, 2019 at Welcome to Doublejump’s new regular series, Press X To Adapt! Every two weeks, we’ll dive into a game-turned-movie or movie-turned-game to take a look at how it turned out, the differences between the two, and anything else worth chatting about! Have you got a suggestion … Continue reading How Mortal Kombat: Annihilation captured the series’ embarrassing early years

Warrior is a lot like Banshee and that’s a very good thing

Almost three years after Banshee wrapped and we finally have a successor — well, mostly. We’re two episodes in and while Warrior has a whole lot of Banshee in its genes, it stands confidently on its own. Based on a passion project of Bruce Lee’s that never got off the ground, Warrior follows a martial … Continue reading Warrior is a lot like Banshee and that’s a very good thing

How An Awful Movie Helped Revive Mortal Kombat

The movie was a stupid mess – but Mortal Kombat 11 might not exist without it. Originally published March 19, 2019 at Welcome to Doublejump’s new regular series, Press X To Adapt! Every two weeks, we’ll dive into a game-turned-movie or movie-turned-game to take a look at how it turned out, the differences between the … Continue reading How An Awful Movie Helped Revive Mortal Kombat